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Heather Johnston Live Stream

Heather Johnston Live Stream

Max and his stick - 2

Max and his stick - 2

Max and his stick
Max and his stick -1

Max and his stick -1

Max and his stick
A stray bird I rescued and rehomed

A stray bird I rescued and rehomed

A stray bird I rescued and rehomed
Shanti Queen of all she surveys on a cold winters day

Shanti Queen of all she surveys on a cold winters day

Shanti Queen of all she surveys
Max and his long stick in the distance

Max and his long stick in the distance

Max and his stick in the distance
Fabulous tree and Shanti on cold winters day

Fabulous tree and Shanti on cold winters day

Fabulous tree and Shanti
Max and his stick

Max and his stick

Max just loves finding sticks to carry around with him
A new Natural remedy for the relief of Knee and Joint Pain

A new Natural remedy for the relief of Knee and Joint Pain

A new Natural remedy for the relief of Knee and Joint Pain
Pain relief with Tumeric and the brand new Biocuric

Pain relief with Tumeric and the brand new Biocuric

This Toothpaste / Toothgel on the list of recommended products by MacMillan

This Toothpaste / Toothgel on the list of recommended products by MacMillan

I love my toothgel
Max deep sea diving

Max deep sea diving

Max deep sea diving, as he tries to find his ball which sank
Max impersonating an otter as he searches for and finds his ball

Max impersonating an otter as he searches for and finds his ball

Max impersonating an otter as he searches for and finds his ball
20160603 103835

20160603 103835

Max doing his impersonation of an otter
Wonderful Forever Freedom Forever Gel - personal pain relief

Wonderful Forever Freedom Forever Gel - personal pain relief

Just wanted to share my experience with this product. If you would like to order one or 2 the link is www.makeliferadiant.com
If you can't access the product please message me here and I will guide you to the page.
Max and his stick

Max and his stick

Max just loves sticks

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